I'm a statistician who works on statistical methods and analyses largely for environmental and health applications. I'm still trying to figure out the work-life balance, but apart from work, I like to road bike, hike, cook, and volunteer (ideally, though I haven't done as much recently as I'd like to). I grew up outside of Boston (which some, including myself, view as the center of civilization) and after undergrad and work in a variety of locations (New Jersey, Minnesota, northern California, and DC), I ended up as a grad student in ecology at Duke. While at Duke, I became interested in statistics and moved to Pittsburgh to get my PhD in statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. In 2003, I moved back to Boston for a postdoc and then was a faculty member for four years in the Biostatistics Department at Harvard School of Public Health. In 2009, I moved to Berkeley. For those interested in the etymology of the URL, my father's side of my family is all Polish; 'paciorek' is a Polish surname; in Polish it means 'little prayer'.
My brother, Andrew Paciorek, shares the site with me. He's an economist at the Federal Reserve. The Elvis site picture was taken by him in Tupelo, MS, on our bike trip along the Natchez Trace Parkway through Mississippi, Alabama, and Tennessee.
Last updated December 2012.
© 2012 Christopher Paciorek
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